DTARC 21, June 2024 Location, Sunny Divide Clubhouse Called to order by Dwayne at 18:10 ATTENDEES Terry Van Benschoten, Dwayne and Katie Allen, Jerry and Pat Boone, Dale and Shirley Dodson, James Clarke and Tammy, Mac Frank, Betty Breen, Bill Vance and Al Wessel. AGENDA Old Business No old business was discussed. We will need to approve May’s Minuets at our next meeting as they had not been distributed to the membership prior to today’s meeting. New Business Dwayne informed us that he has inquired about DTARC taking over the billing for the electric billing account with Precorp. He has not received a reply. Jerry mentioned using solar to power the building and the cost would exceed $1,000.00. Jerry also announced that the votes were tallied, and that Dwayne Allen was named the Ham of the Year! Congratulations to Dwayne for all the hard work and behind-the-scenes work that you have performed. Terry announced that he has acquired a large amount of equipment and will be taking a trip to bring those items back that were donated to the DTARC. Dwayne announced that Sundance Hardware has donated 10- 24x24 glass panes to repair hail damage at the Sunny Divide Community Center. There was a short discussion about building ownership and the need of repairs. A motion was made to close the meeting at 18:34 and the Meeting adjourned. Minutes submitted by Al Wessel, Secretary.
DTARC 21, June 2024 Location, Sunny Divide Clubhouse Called to order by Dwayne at 18:10 ATTENDEES Terry Van Benschoten, Dwayne and Katie Allen, Jerry and Pat Boone, Dale and Shirley Dodson, James Clarke and Tammy, Mac Frank, Betty Breen, Bill Vance and Al Wessel. AGENDA Old Business No old business was discussed. We will need to approve May’s Minuets at our next meeting as they had not been distributed to the membership prior to today’s meeting. New Business Dwayne informed us that he has inquired about DTARC taking over the billing for the electric billing account with Precorp. He has not received a reply. Jerry mentioned using solar to power the building and the cost would exceed $1,000.00. Jerry also announced that the votes were tallied, and that Dwayne Allen was named the Ham of the Year! Congratulations to Dwayne for all the hard work and behind-the-scenes work that you have performed. Terry announced that he has acquired a large amount of equipment and will be taking a trip to bring those items back that were donated to the DTARC. Dwayne announced that Sundance Hardware has donated 10- 24x24 glass pane to repair hail damage at the Sunny Divide Community Center. There was a short discussion about building ownership and the need of repairs. A motion was made to close the meeting at 18:34 and Meeting adjourned. Minutes submitted by Al Wessel, Secretary.