August 15, 2024, Location, Sunny Divide Clubhouse Called to order by Dwayne at 18:20There were 9 members and 2 guest visitors in attendance.AGENDANew Business:Dwayne asked for the treasurer’s report which was presented by Jerry Boone. He said there were no bills pending. Jerry made a motion to approve the treasure report, and it was seconded by Terry. Motion passed.There was a discussion on the minutes from last month’s meeting. Betty suggested some changes and then Betty moved to approve the minutes with changes it was seconded by Bill. The motion passed with amendments that will be sent to the president as a matter of record. Old business,We discussed the workday that has been planned for August 24 at 9 AM and it was decided that we will have at a potluck.Dwayne contacted the Farm Bureau, and they will get back to us about our club taking over management of the building at Sunny. Divide. Jerri asked for an update on the repeater project and things are moving forward with a workday scheduled this coming Wednesday at 1:30pm to do some preparation work for the repeater.New business.We will do a Parks on the air event in September on the 14th and the 21stThe site will be Black Hills national Forest, Warren Peak. Al will head up and send a group email.Dwayne suggested that we have a Christmas party. There was interest from the members in having a party. Details to be discussed in the future.Dwayne brought up club fun days to do projects such as an oatmeal box receiver.Dwayne also suggested that we build a float for the Christmas parade in Sundance.Katie will get the details.Dwayne brought up the possibility of our club hosting a Ham Fest next year.This will entail a lot of planning and further discussion.Betty made a motion to close the meeting and a 2nd by Al. Motion carried and the meeting closed at 19:10Minutes submitted by club secretary, Al Wessel
DTARCAugust 15, 2024, Location, Sunny Divide Clubhouse Called to order by Dwayne at 18:20There were 9 members and 2 guest visitors in attendance.AGENDANew Business:Dwayne asked for the treasurer’s report which was presented by Jerry Boone. He said there were no bills pending. Jerry made a motion to approve the treasure report, and it was seconded by Terry. Motion passed.There was a discussion on the minutes from last month’s meeting. Betty suggested some changes and then Betty moved to approve the minutes with changes it was seconded by Bill. The motion passed with amendments that will be sent to the president as a matter of record. Old business,We discussed the workday that has been planned for August 24 at 9 AM and it was decided that we will have at a potluck.Dwayne contacted the Farm Bureau, and they will get back to us about our club taking over management of the building at SunnyDivide. Jerri asked for an update on the repeater project and things are moving forward with a workday scheduled this coming Wednesday at 1:30pm to do some preparation work for therepeater.New business.We will do a Parks on the air event in September on the 14th and the 21st.The site will be Black Hills national Forest, Warren Peak. Al will head up and send a group email.Dwayne suggested that we have a Christmas party. There was interest from the members inhaving a party. Details to be discussed in thefuture.Dwayne brought up club fun days to do projects such as an oatmeal box receiver.Dwayne also suggested that we build a float for the Christmas parade in Sundance.Katie will get the details.Dwayne brought up the possibility of our clubhosting a Ham Fest next year. This will entail alot of planning and further discussion.Betty made a motion to close the meeting anda 2nd by Al. Motion carried and the meeting closed at 19:10Minutes submitted by club secretary, Al Wessel