Devils Tower Amateur Radio Club
is dedicated to help all interested
people in becoming hams. We
also want to assist any licensed
ham to upgrade. Check back
regularly for updates on class
To organize and train local
Amateur Radio Operators to be
capable of maintaining
communications as a public
service. To promote interest and
proficiency in amateur radio
communications with respect to
improving operating and
technical skills.
Our Mission
DTARC uses the Sunny Divide
Community Center for our meetings,
project days, and ARRL Field Day.
Directions to Sunny Divide are on the
“About” page.
Our snail mail address is:
PO Box 712
Sundance, WY 82729
Contact Information
Our regular meeting in
April is the 17th, at 18:00
(6:00 PM) in the Crook County
Public Health conference room.