How do I Become a Ham?
It’s reasonably easy!
Becoming an Amateur Radio Operator (Ham) opens many doors to a fun and
rewarding hobby with many aspects (see ARRL –What Is Ham Radio). But, to
become a Ham you must pass an exam administered by a Volunteer Examiner
Team. The test is required by the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC). This is because being a Ham carries with it some responsibilities and
capabilities that the Family Radio Service (FRS) or Citizen’s Band (CB) does
FRS operators can only use up to 1/2 watt of power, and CB is limited to 4
watts, while Ham operators can use up to 1,500 watts on most bands! FRS is
good for about 3 miles, and CB is limited by law to 150 miles. With Ham
Radio, the world is not even your limit. You can bounce signals off the moon
or use orbiting satellites to talk to any licensed Ham worldwide. Whereas all
other radio services are allowed only very few channels or frequencies to
work with – Hams have literally thousands!
The Technician License
The first level of the Amateur Radio Operator is the Technician Class which
allows you all Ham Radio frequency use privileges above 30 MHz, as well as
additional privileges on certain HF frequencies (below 30 MHz) including the
80-, 40- and 15-meter bands using Morse code (CW), and on the 10-meter
band using CW, voice, and digital modes. On frequencies above 30 MHz,
Technicians may operate FM voice, digital modes, amateur television (ATV),
single-sideband voice, CW, and several other interesting modes. As
mentioned before, you can even make international radio contacts via
satellites, using relatively simple station equipment, or even through linked
networks using D-STAR or linked repeater networks.
The Exam
Morse code is no longer required for any Amateur Radio license! The
Technician Class License exam covers basic regulations, operating practices,
and basic electronics theory, with a focus on VHF and UHF (above 30 MHz)
applications. Don’t let this scare you. You can do it! – Many folks from all
walks of life routinely pass their Technician exams on the first try. There is no
age requirement. The youngest known Ham in the US was 5 years old.
There are several study materials available to help you pass the exam. Many
people rely on the study materials from the American Radio Relay League
(ARRL). They provide both study guides and a CD (ARRL Training and
Education). One of the most popular and more intuitive study guides is
published by the W5YI GROUP, Gordon West, (WB6NOA). Visit the ARRL or
books sellers such as to purchase a Technician Class study
There is even a free website, There, for a small fee, you can
even get an app for your smartphone.
Practice Tests
The exams are never as hard as the new Ham thinks they are going to be!
They consist of 35 multiple-choice questions taken from a pool of only 400
questions. These questions are known, as are the answers. You can
download the entire pool of questions from the ARRL and other sources.
There are also several websites Like QRZ, AA9PW, or HamTestOnline that
have practice exams made up of questions pulled at random from this pool.
You should sign onto one of these websites and repeatedly take the exam
until you routinely receive a grade of 90% or higher. When you take the real
exam, you will see the exact same questions. The answers may be in a
different order, but they will be the same answers that you have already seen
several times!
Once you are passing the online practice tests with regularity, consider
studying for the next level up: the General Class License. Because, when you
pass the Technician Class test you will get a FREE General Class test – and
who knows? You may walk out as a new Ham with HF privileges! So, yes, you
can do it! Allow yourself about three weeks to study.
Where to Take the Exam
DTARC’s testing team will test anyone who believes they are ready. We only
need a few days to prepare. Most times this can happen in a day or two. We
will meet where it is most convenient for both examiners and candidate.
Many times, it has been the candidate’s own dining room table. Also check
the calendar page for meeting times and dates. Tests can be given after
After you pass
The FCC generally takes at least two weeks to process the paperwork and
grant you your very own “call sign” such as “KB7JVO”. But how you will
really “become a Ham” is what happens afterwards. It will be helpful for you
to borrow or purchase an HT (handy talkie) for starters so that you will have
folks all over your local area to talk to on the air.
Though, not a requirement for being a Ham Radio operator, consider joining
your local club. It will be your ready source for helpful assistance and
answers to questions, as well as opportunities to get real ‘hands-on’ practice
with radio gear and operating procedure. Helpful mentors you will meet in the
local club environment are called “Elmers” and even the most seasoned Ham
knows a few folks they consider an Elmer. DTARC gives a full year’s
membership to any area Ham who passes an exam administered by our team.
It is often said by new Hams that they are apprehensive about asking other
Hams for help because they fear that their questions are dumb ones… Well,
there are NO dumb questions in Amateur Radio – only good ones… believe it
or not, it’s in our Amateur’s Code as well as in FCC regulation to place high
regard in assisting and training up new Hams.
If you have any questions about becoming a Ham – helpful and kind
assistance is just an email away!
Please email:
How do I Become a
It’s reasonably easy!
Becoming an Amateur Radio
Operator (Ham) opens many doors
to a fun and rewarding hobby with
many aspects (see ARRL –What Is
Ham Radio). But, to become a
Ham you must pass an exam
administered by a Volunteer
Examiner Team. The test is
required by the Federal
Communications Commission
(FCC). This is because being a
Ham carries with it some
responsibilities and capabilities
that the Family Radio Service
(FRS) or Citizen’s Band (CB) does
FRS operators can only use up to
1/2 watt of power, and CB is
limited to 4 watts, while Ham
operators can use up to 1,500
watts on most bands! FRS is
good for about 3 miles, and CB is
limited by law to 150 miles. With
Ham Radio, the world is not even
your limit. You can bounce
signals off the moon or use
orbiting satellites to talk to any
licensed Ham worldwide.
Whereas all other radio services
are allowed only very few
channels or frequencies to work
with – Hams have literally
The Technician License
The first level of the Amateur
Radio Operator is the Technician
Class which allows you all Ham
Radio frequency use privileges
above 30 MHz, as well as
additional privileges on certain HF
frequencies (below 30 MHz)
including the 80-, 40- and 15-meter
bands using Morse code (CW),
and on the 10-meter band using
CW, voice, and digital modes. On
frequencies above 30 MHz,
Technicians may operate FM
voice, digital modes, amateur
television (ATV), single-sideband
voice, CW, and several other
interesting modes. As mentioned
before, you can even make
international radio contacts via
satellites, using relatively simple
station equipment, or even
through linked networks using D-
STAR or linked repeater networks.
The Exam
Morse code is no longer required
for any Amateur Radio license!
The Technician Class License
exam covers basic regulations,
operating practices, and basic
electronics theory, with a focus on
VHF and UHF (above 30 MHz)
applications. Don’t let this scare
you. You can do it! – Many folks
from all walks of life routinely
pass their Technician exams on
the first try. There is no age
requirement. The youngest known
Ham in the US was 5 years old.
There are several study materials
available to help you pass the
exam. Many people rely on the
study materials from the American
Radio Relay League (ARRL). They
provide both study guides and a
CD (ARRL Training and
Education). One of the most
popular and more intuitive study
guides is published by the W5YI
GROUP, Gordon West, (WB6NOA).
Visit the ARRL or books sellers
such as to purchase
a Technician Class study manual.
There is even a free website, There, for a small
fee, you can even get an app for
your smartphone.
Practice Tests
The exams are never as hard as
the new Ham thinks they are going
to be! They consist of 35 multiple-
choice questions taken from a
pool of only 400 questions. These
questions are known, as are the
answers. You can download the
entire pool of questions from the
ARRL and other sources.
There are also several websites
Like QRZ, AA9PW, or
HamTestOnline that have practice
exams made up of questions
pulled at random from this pool.
You should sign onto one of these
websites and repeatedly take the
exam until you routinely receive a
grade of 90% or higher. When you
take the real exam, you will see
the exact same questions. The
answers may be in a different
order, but they will be the same
answers that you have already
seen several times!
Once you are passing the online
practice tests with regularity,
consider studying for the next
level up: the General Class
License. Because, when you pass
the Technician Class test you will
get a FREE General Class test –
and who knows? You may walk
out as a new Ham with HF
privileges! So, yes, you can do it!
Allow yourself about three weeks
to study.
Where to Take the Exam
DTARC’s testing team will test
anyone who believes they are
ready. We only need a few days to
prepare. Most times this can
happen in a day or two. We will
meet where it is most convenient
for both examiners and candidate.
Many times, it has been the
candidate’s own dining room
table. Also check the calendar
page for meeting times and dates.
Tests can be given after meetings.
After you pass
The FCC generally takes at least
two weeks to process the
paperwork and grant you your
very own “call sign” such as
“KB7JVO”. But how you will
really “become a Ham” is what
happens afterwards. It will be
helpful for you to borrow or
purchase an HT (handy talkie) for
starters so that you will have folks
all over your local area to talk to
on the air.
Though, not a requirement for
being a Ham Radio operator,
consider joining your local club. It
will be your ready source for
helpful assistance and answers to
questions, as well as
opportunities to get real ‘hands-
on’ practice with radio gear and
operating procedure. Helpful
mentors you will meet in the local
club environment are called
“Elmers” and even the most
seasoned Ham knows a few folks
they consider an Elmer. DTARC
gives a full year’s membership to
any area Ham who passes an
exam administered by our team.
It is often said by new Hams that
they are apprehensive about